Saturday, 21 June 2008


Well, we've been here a few days. We're well and truly settled in now. The swimming pool will be completed any day - which will be awesome, it's so hot! The dial has hit 37 this week!

Colin hired a jeep and we've been out over the island with it a couple of times, bumping (and skidding) over the rocks and rough stuff and scraping beneath olive trees. And all with the mediterranian sun beaming down and the sea visible on the horizon from the tops of the mountains. We've been to the beach and swam in the sea a couple of times.

Greg, Verity and Bradley are coming tomorrow. They're here for two weeks and we'll probably drive further into the centre of the island to retrace the route we took a few months ago to find the mountain resorts which, at that time, had snow around them. There won't be snow this time of year, but there will still be the amazing smooth, wide, windy roads that weave back through the windmills.